
เกี่ยวกับ Exportpages

For 20 years follows exportpages the guiding principle
„Find partners and optimize business relationships - in Europe, all over the world.”

" Open up markets – take advantage of new opportunities "

Digital communication channels make it easier for entrepreneurs, companies and service providers
addressed, cared for and networked.

These contacts are made faster and more directly. Also the acquisition of new customers and the development of
qualified supply sources, are made possible through digital marketing and digital communication.

Large companies invest large sums of money in the digital presence of company presentations,
Performance advertising and digital sales strategy. All linguistic and psychological features are
offered and evaluated, strategies developed and markets controlled.

However, small and medium-sized enterprises often lack the time and, in particular, the money to
Developing marketing strategies, running a webshop, having translations done,
Maintain communication in your own language with business partners and provide professional support finance.

In addition, a lack of advice and the necessary logistics often pose a problem. The organization of delivery
and procurement in other countries often ends with the difficult import / export and foreign exchange regulations and lack of advice.

These challenges are met by exportpages global and offers solutions!

" Overcome the language barrier..."

"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world."

This sentence by the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein loses with exportpages its validity.

In order to overcome the language barrier, this is possible in the respective national language of both partners. Who
So if you don’t want to rely solely on English for communication, you can use one of the languages ​​offered.
Inquiries are sent to the partner in their own language. So it will be for the Portuguese manufacturer and the
interested Japanese buyers much easier if they communicate without language barriers.
An essential point in retail!

Visible all over the world...

With exportpages markets can be opened up without language or cultural barriers. Just because every
Country and each market has its own culture and different customs. Many companies work intensively
of opportunities to enter new markets. What exportpages is for far-sighted companies and
entrepreneurs an intelligent solution for effective online measures, in times of global change
and competition. Thus, the Polish furniture manufacturer can sell its products worldwide, in different
Languages, very detailed, becomes visible. Also e.g. for the Spanish hotel outfitter, the furniture
for his hotel.

Through the use of sensible search filters, interested parties are able to find the one they need
to find the best possible partner. It doesn't always have to be the cheapest. Good quality, fast
Availability or reliability, competence are, among other things, a component and prerequisite for the
Partner selection.

Few companies already have the technical term for their products and services in all
relevant languages ​​on the homepage and made sure that the major search engines found the
Classify terms and the environment as relevant and list them on the front pages of the search results.

exportpages ensures through extensive “Search Engine Optimization”, or SEO measures for short, that
to be found on the front pages in common search engines. This is for small and medium
Companies can often only be afforded with high financial expenditure, but it is very
for the findability of the offer important. Manufacturers reach with exportpages
More than 180 countries, where the business region can be determined exactly by the selected languages.

Become a partner…

The registration and the first entry at exportpages are straightforward. Any company can go to
Start a fixed price, present yourself, enter articles, or look for partners on the global marketplace,
to offer services, to communicate.

With the company entry, all companies can present themselves in detail in different languages, and
the potential partners with product descriptions, product images, PDF documents, videos, company and
Contact details, information about yourself and your products, or specifically for equipment / material /
Find production capacities / articles / orders / business contacts etc.

There is also the possibility of placing advertisements. i.e. Offer used items, present new products, place job offers, make business contacts all over the world, or display your needs is now very easy.

With exportpages break down language barriers, get in touch with the world and open up new markets!


The use of our platform is chargeable and can be activated with codes.
The brand name "exportpages" is protected by law.