Smart bedside computing terminals have recently been growingly endorsed in clinical environments due to the speedy growth of IoT in the healthcare sector. Saintway's MT2199 bedside high-power computing terminal has been specially designed for use...
ประเทศ: Chinaภูมิภาค: Guang Dongที่ตั้ง: Shenzhen City
Quanzhou Xinhengyu Advertising Co., Ltd. was established in early 2009 as a source manufacturer of signs and signage. It provides one-stop services for design, production and installation, and specializes in the planning, design and implement...
ประเทศ: Chinaภูมิภาค: Fujian Provinceที่ตั้ง: No. 6, Zishan Road, Jinlong Street, Licheng District, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province
1. Chemical Resistance: Excellent compatibility with aggressive solvents and acids. 2. Clarity: Transparent material allows for easy monitoring of contents. 3. L...